I'm a soccer player that is a fan of the team Barcelona but have respect for their rival Real Madrid.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

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“If you do what’s right, if you live the right way, you’ll be taken care of.” - Rachel Castillo

This quote means that you don’t have to worry about anything because you know you have nothing to fear about when you live the right way. And because of this when you do good, good things will happen to you.  Image result for rachel castillo

 A neurosurgeon is a type of surgeon that specialises in performing surgery on the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. They do this to remove tumors, relieve chronic pain and treat wounds,vascular disorders and diseases such as Parkinson’s and epilepsy.

Salary: $395,000-$589,500

Education: Earn a bachelor’s degree, attend medical school, pass the medical licensing exam, complete an internship and neurosurgical residency program, become state licensed and board certified, continue education.

Demand: I think there should be more of these kind of surgeons because they can really be useful with treating pain in those regions of  the body.
Image result for neurosurgeonImage result for neurosurgeon

Friday, February 24, 2017

                                 Naturopathic Doctor

  A naturopathic treatment practitioner is a type of health care provider who treats patients using a system of medicine that is based on the healing power of nature.  Like contemporary medicine doctors, naturopathic treatment practitioners identify, diagnose and treat patients for their conditions and illnesses.

Salary:  $80,000-$90,000

Education : Doctoral degree, naturopathic physician, chiropractic doctor,Chinese medicine, acupuncture, medical doctor, osteopathic doctor and must be licensed by the state to practice medicine

Demand : i don’t think there should much of these doctors. But if people don’t want to use human made medicine then they can choose to get natural medicine given to us by the plants and etc.

Image result for naturopathic doctorImage result for naturopathic doctor

Friday, February 17, 2017

 “ Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation;for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.” - George Washington
Image result for president washington

This is a good quote in which he explains that people succeed if they are partnered with people who do and want to do good. But those will fail if they are joined by people who are lazy and are not committed into helping anyone but them selves. I agree with Washington because it is better to be alone rather than sticking with people who only cause trouble.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

   The holiday’s roots are in the ancient roman festival of Lupercalia, a fertility celebration commemorated annually on February 15. Pope Gelasius recast this pagan festival as a Christian feast day circa 496, declaring February 14 to be St. Valentine’s Day. Nearly 62 percent American’s celebrate this holiday. Besides Christmas, people also spend a lot of money on this holiday as well. In total we spend almost 20 Billion dollars on Valentine’s Day. The United States began to celebrate this holiday around the 1840’s
 The romantic holiday first started out as a festival members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat’s hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and take to the streets, gently slapping both women and crop fields with the goat hide. Lupercalia survived the initial rise of Christianity and but was outlawed as it was deemed “un Christian” at the end of the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day. It was not until much later, however, that the day became definitively associated with love. During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance.

In addition to the United States, Valentine’s Day is also celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. Today an estimated 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card sending holiday of the year.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

“ Only those live who do good.”- Count Leo Tolstoy

In my opinion, i think this quote doesn’t make sense. I think it would be better if it was to say
“ Only those who do good can know what it means to truly live.” But that’s what i think this quote should have been made. Because i think it wouldn’t make sense if it was just a six word quote. Image result for count leo tolstoy

Friday, February 3, 2017

Kinesiologist have duties such as examining the physical capability in every person.  And aid you to get physically healthier by making health plans .

SALARY: $35,000-$58,000

EDUCATION: must require a bachelor’s degree/master’s degree/doctoral degree

DEMAND: I think we need more kinesiologist because they can help us get healthier .
Kinesiology is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomedical, and psychological mechanisms of movement.

Kinesiologist have duties such as examining the physical capability in every person.  And aid you to get physically healthier by making health plans .

SALARY: $35,000-$58,000

EDUCATION: must require a bachelor’s degree/master’s degree/doctoral degree

DEMAND: I think we need more kinesiologist because they can help us get healthier .
“ I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want work, and I decided I would change it.”   - Ben Carson

What he means is that you can change the outcome of your future but you got to work hard in order to do it. For example Ben Carson as a child lived in poverty but later on he realized that living in poverty was a choice. And later on he became the top student of his high school and got a career as neuro surgeon. So if he can do it then why can’t we?
Image result for ben carson

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

   “Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER                RIGHT” - Russell M. Nelson

  What this means is that even though everyone will do wrong things they will never be wiser than the person that chose to do right. My thought on this quote is that everyone should know this as common sense.